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Venerdì, 01 Novembre 2019 21:55

Professione Solenne in Nigeria, 2019

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prof solen_2019nigThe profession took place in the motherhouse of the Order of the Mother of God, Nigerian Delegation, at Mgbahiri Emii Owerri North of Imo state. The occasion started with the arrival of the invitees, and the beginning of the Holy Mass at 10 am with Very Rev. Fr. Stephen Oduh OMD (delegate superior) as the principal celebrate in the company of all the priests of the delegation and a good number of invited priests and deacons that graced the occasion, and the unavoidable presence of the family members of our beloved brothers who came from far and near to join in the joyous celebration, with also the presence of seminarians from the religious house and seminarians around us. The Homilist (Rev. Fr. Isidor Peter), pinpointed on the fulcrum of religious life and highlighted the reward that awaits all who have left all to follow Christ in line with the Gospel of Mark 10:17-31. Furthermore, the brothers, like the Blessed Virgin Mary, pronounce their ‘fiat’ to total surrender which led to the full exhibition of the ritual for the profession, which made them full members of the Order. More so, the Mass ended with great joy, followed by group photographs and an immediate short reception encapsulated with entertainment display by the Host community that brought the whole occasion to remarkable close with all leaving with great happiness and in congratulations of our dear brothers and obvious growth of the Nigerian Delegation.

Letto 6755 volte Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 02 Marzo 2022 12:42

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