Con Cristo
misurate le cose
Con Cristo
misurate le cose
On 22nd October, most of the fathers of Indian delegation came together at Samayapuram for permanent formation programme on Marian theme. This is the third new topic for we have done some sessions on Reconciliation and Eucharist already. Marian theme was decided in council in view of 'Marianizzare' theme in the canonical visit and the theme in next 111th General Chapter. Fr. Santiagu Raja, a scholar in dogmatic theology, at present working at St.Paul's seminary, will be guiding three different sessions on the theme.
In the first session, resource person brought the Understanding of Mary as to how it was and how it should be. For it, he illustrated from theological view point the different approaches on Mariology in different times and from Scriptural view point how Mary is viewed in different Gospels and Pauline letters. And then he gave clear explanation on who was Mary, a real historical person.
On the whole, the session was purely a Marian, a complete adherence to the theme and updating our understanding on Mariology.