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Mercoledì, 19 Marzo 2014 11:40

India: Parents Day at Amalagam, Madurai.

amamlagamHow Good, and pleasant, it is to live as brothers, sisters all together – Ps 133:1

Yes, it is true what we experienced on 1st March 2014. On this day the Amalagam community, at Madurai celebrated the Parents day of our Brothers. A whole day program was arranged for them. After the morning breakfast parents met the formator and asked about their sons progress towards the consecrated life. Around 12 noon the Holy Eucharistic celebration was celebrated. The Very Rev.Fr. LourduRajan OMD, Indian Delegate, presided over the celebration. Rev. Fr. Manohar, Vice Delegate, Rev. Fr. Francis , Regent brothers, Aspirants ,Novice along with the local community, Rev. Fr. Beno, Rector, Rev. Fr. Baskar, Vice Rector, Rev. Fr. Starlin Consultor , brothers and their family members were participated. Fr. Beno, welcomed the gathering and introduced the Delegate council and the entire fathers to the gathering. Quoting our constitution no.29, he point out the relationship between parents and the students during their period of formation.

During the Homily, Rev. Fr. Delegate, insisted the importance of this period in this Amalagam house. He also mentioned that the parents are the role models, and have more responsibility; support of the parents is much more needed in this crucial stage for the candidates to decide their vocation towards this life. He asked the parents to develop good circumstances and to create good situation for the process of their own children. Fr. Starlin thanked everyone.

In the evening before tea, a small game was conducted for the parents. Around 6.15, the cultural extravagant was performed by our brothers. Rev.Fr. Delegate and Fr. Vice Delegate and all the parents were welcomed by a flower bouquet. During this one and half hour program, lighting of lamp by the fathers and parents, dances, comedy programs, songs, mime, prize distribution for the best performance in the last academic year, felicitation by the fathers and sharing of the parents, were staged. During the program, Rev. Fr. Delegate released the “Leo Creation”, -collection of articles, poems and essays both in Tamil and English written by our brothers and he also released “Mater Dei”, a journal of Leonardians which the community want to bring out once in 3 months, which contains articles from various disciplines like, Philosophy, Formation, Rural development, Economics, Social, Spiritual etc. Fr. Manohar, Vice Delegate released the “Leo Arts” - the drawing of our brothers.  Everything was appreciated by all. The parents and relatives of our brothers were happy to participate in this unforgettable event. With the supper the day’s program came to an end.

17 marzo 2014
Pubblicato in 2014
Venerdì, 22 Giugno 2012 12:03

Ad Amalagam India inaugurato l’Anno Accademico

Amalagam-India-6Durante lai visita del P.Generale in India, il 7 giugno mattina con la santa Messa dello Spirito Santo è stato  inagurato il nuovo Anno Accademico presso la casa di formazione in Amalagam a Madurai. Dodici aspiranti  andranno in università e due  inizieranno la filosofia. Durante l’Eucarisitia il Padre Generale ha insisto molto di unirsi  a Cristo Crucifisso centro della nostra vita. Dopo la celebrazione il Padre Generale, alla presenza del  Delegato P. Tommaso  e del P. Rettore P. Beno,  ha accolto la richiesta di cinque  nuovi aspiranti ad entrare nell'Ordine per un anno di discernimento.

21 giugno 2012

Pubblicato in 2012
Etichettato sotto
Domenica, 06 Maggio 2012 07:21

Amalagam India: Giornata dei genitori”

amalagam-P-daySi è svolto in Amalagam nella Casa di Formazione a Madurai- India, l’incontro dei genitori dei giovani in formazione. Un momento di entusiasmo e di gioia nel sapere e vedere la crescita dei loro figli. Domenica 29 aprile nella mattinata  il Rettore ed i formatori hanno incontrato personalmente tutti genitori insieme  ai giovani aspiranti. Nel dopo pranzo, organizzato dalla comunità formativa, un incontro con giochi e momenti di condivisione. Al termine la celebrazione dell’Eucaristia presieduta da P. Donathius mentre a tenere l’omelia è stato P. Santhosh. Hanno concelebrato  P. Tomaso Petrongelli, Delegato, P. Justin , P. Beno e il Diacono Cyril. In serata è stato presentato un programma culturale per mezzo del quale i ragazzi hanno mostrato i loro talenti attraverso, balli, canti, ecc., Durante questo momento è stato proposto dal Padre Delegato e da P. Donathius il “Leo Creations” e “Leo Arts”, una serie di collezione, di Articoli e arte realizzate dagli studenti  Un  momento di famiglia ha affermato P. Beno a conclusione dell’incontro. Tutti hanno insisto in accordo con i genitori di continuare questa relazione con il seminario ed aiutare i formatori nella crescita umana, spirituale e vocazionale dei loro figli.

5 maggio 2012
Pubblicato in 2012
Sabato, 11 Febbraio 2012 13:34

Amalagam India: A day to remember

okAn important day for the Madurai community. It’s the inauguration day for our House “Amalagam”, 10years back. (on 4th feb 2002). After 10 years , today Amalgam, cradle of Our order in India,  till now gave birth to 12 Priests, 4 deacons, and many brothers.

We the community wanted to celebrate it in a simple manner on 5th Feb Sunday, inviting only our community from Trichy and Azilkhal. Except Fr.Maschio, Fr.Baskar, Diac. Cyril (who were engaged in some other program) all other were present. We had a solemn Mass, presided by our new priest Fr. Santhosh Kumar. Fr. Beno, rector of the community, read out the message of Fr. Delegate and thank all the participants. During the mass we honored our Fathers Fr.Lourdu and Fr. Donathius former formators  & Superiors of this community. After the mass the brothers screened-out a short film prepared by them, with the photos of all the events celebrated in Amalagam during these years.  Then Fr. Lourdu and Fr. Donathius remembered their years of presence in this community and the recent development in the house.  We want this moment not only as a mere celebration, but also as a moment of coming together with one heart and mind, to reconcile and to start working for the future development of our communities in India. I personally realized and experienced the moment as the psalmist says “How good is that brother live together”.  In this auspicious moment as the Rector of this Community I take this opportunity to Thank God for all the benefits, for His guidance for the past ten years. I extend my Heartfelt Thanks to Rev. Fr. Francesco pertillo, our beloved Father Rector General, and His council members, Rev.Fr. Vincenzo Molinaro, Former Rector General, our beloved Father Thomas, Indian Delegate(Thank u father Thomas, for your love towards India and for the nice poem, we too love you). Our former delegates, Fr. Innocenzo, Fr. Bruno and all the fathers, benefactors and  our well-wishers. I also thank our former Formators / Superiors of this community, Fr. Jeyabalan, Fr. Lourdu, Fr. Manohar, Fr. Donathius. Thanks to Fr. James Methos , who was incharge of this building during its construction. Thanks to Fr. Maschio  & Fr, James Rosario who were here in this community for a short period. Thanks a lot to all the fathers who supported these years. We also remember all the fathers and seminarians who passed- by Amalgam during their formation period. Let us continue to work together for the future growth of our Order.


11 febbraio 2012

Pubblicato in 2012
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