The First time in the history of our Order, on 5th January 2019 on the Eve of the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, eight of our Brothers in Our Indian Delegation namely Stanley Jefferson, Lucas, Allwin, r2t6qeph Shaju, Maria Antony Sagaya Raj, Jayaprakash, Martin Innaiah, Abishek Rosario were conferred the Priestly Ordination by His Excellency Antonisamy Francis D.D., the Bishop of Kumbakonam. This gracious event was held in the premise of St.Leonardi Matriculation School at Samayapuram. More than 1000 people participated in the Solemn Eucharistic Celebration including the parents, relatives, and friends of the Newly ordained. Number of Priests and Religious graced the occasion.
As the Newly ordained had taken the common motto “Go and Do Likewise” (LK 10:37) the mandative invitation of our Lord to the Teacher of the Law after the parable of the Good Samaritan, The Bishop in his homily insisted and encouraged the newly ordained to be living witnesses of the Evangelical charity to the world. The whole Order of the Mother of God, particularly Indian Delegation rejoices in immense gratitude to the Lord for such a great gift-the gift of eight New Priests in the threshold of the Silver Jubilee Year of OMD in India. The Presence of Fr.Beno Vaz, the General Councilor, Most.Rev.Fr.Francesco Petrillo, the former Rector General, and Rev.Fr.Tommaso Petrongelli, the former Delegate enriched the celebration. The Indian Delegation renders thanks to all the fathers and brothers from various delegations in a precise way Most Rev.Fr. Vincenzo Molinaro, the Rector General and his council fathers for their thoughtful prayers and wishes!
Fr. Manohar omd
Delegate General -India.
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