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Mercoledì, 19 Marzo 2014 11:42

India: Parents Day at Amalagam, Madurai.

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amamlagamHow Good, and pleasant, it is to live as brothers, sisters all together – Ps 133:1

Yes, it is true what we experienced on 1st March 2014. On this day the Amalagam community, at Madurai celebrated the Parents day of our Brothers. A whole day program was arranged for them. After the morning breakfast parents met the formator and asked about their sons progress towards the consecrated life. Around 12 noon the Holy Eucharistic celebration was celebrated. The Very Rev.Fr. LourduRajan OMD, Indian Delegate, presided over the celebration. Rev. Fr. Manohar, Vice Delegate, Rev. Fr. Francis , Regent brothers, Aspirants ,Novice along with the local community, Rev. Fr. Beno, Rector, Rev. Fr. Baskar, Vice Rector, Rev. Fr. Starlin Consultor , brothers and their family members were participated. Fr. Beno, welcomed the gathering and introduced the Delegate council and the entire fathers to the gathering. Quoting our constitution no.29, he point out the relationship between parents and the students during their period of formation.

During the Homily, Rev. Fr. Delegate, insisted the importance of this period in this Amalagam house. He also mentioned that the parents are the role models, and have more responsibility; support of the parents is much more needed in this crucial stage for the candidates to decide their vocation towards this life. He asked the parents to develop good circumstances and to create good situation for the process of their own children. Fr. Starlin thanked everyone.

In the evening before tea, a small game was conducted for the parents. Around 6.15, the cultural extravagant was performed by our brothers. Rev.Fr. Delegate and Fr. Vice Delegate and all the parents were welcomed by a flower bouquet. During this one and half hour program, lighting of lamp by the fathers and parents, dances, comedy programs, songs, mime, prize distribution for the best performance in the last academic year, felicitation by the fathers and sharing of the parents, were staged. During the program, Rev. Fr. Delegate released the “Leo Creation”, -collection of articles, poems and essays both in Tamil and English written by our brothers and he also released “Mater Dei”, a journal of Leonardians which the community want to bring out once in 3 months, which contains articles from various disciplines like, Philosophy, Formation, Rural development, Economics, Social, Spiritual etc. Fr. Manohar, Vice Delegate released the “Leo Arts” - the drawing of our brothers.  Everything was appreciated by all. The parents and relatives of our brothers were happy to participate in this unforgettable event. With the supper the day’s program came to an end. 

17 marzo 2014
Letto 3063 volte

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