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Venerdì, 17 Ottobre 2014 07:01

permanent formation and the celebration of Founder's Solemnity in India

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founderOn 11th October, all the fathers of the Indian Delegation came together in Trichy for the third session with Rev.Dr.Sebastin, under  the topic of  “Wounded Healer.” He insisted that the leader should read the moving of the Spirit within oneself and others. Unfamilarity with Spirit will distance from oneself and others. It is the wounds that reveal God’s identity. We need to heal our wounds and that of others. For it, we need to be in touch with one’s own suffering, i.e., the ability to articulate the suffering, becoming man of compassion and be a mystic who is revolutionary and able to identify one’s wounds and others. Then, he narrated the possible wounds a minister can have and ways to heal them. 

Last week also was marked by the celebrations of Founder’s Solemnity in our various communities in India. On 8th October, on the eve of the Solemnity, in our formation house in Madurai,  the Solemn Eucharist was celebrated, having the religious priests, sisters and brothers from  neigbouring communities and Professors and lay friends as invitees. Everything was well organised by Fr.Cyril and his community. On 9th October, The celebration was done in our parrochial communities at Azhickal, Samayapuram & Sanipoondi. In Azhickal, lay leonardian movement which has been started recently with the approval of bishop, arranged a camp for blood donation and eye donation during the day. In the evening the Solemn Eucharistic celebration was done having good participation from the people of the parishoners. During the offertory, they collected around 45,000 rupees and contributed for our Seminarian’s Fund. Everything was well organised by Fr.Donathius. In Samayapuram and Sanipoondi Solemn Eucharist was celebrated in honour of our Founder, having the good participation from our parishes. Fr.Justin & Fr. Santhiagu arranged well the liturgy. In the formation community at Samayapuram, Trichy, it was planned  to celebrate the Founder’s Solemnity, having all the priests of the delegation. So,it was a OMD family celebration. Fr. Beno and his community  arranged  well the day.

16 ottobre 2014. 
Letto 3292 volte

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