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Venerdì, 05 Dicembre 2014 16:23


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retreatHow Pleasant it is that the brothers stay together (Ps 133:1)

By God’s grace, intercession of Mary the Mother of God and Our father and Founder St. John Leonardi, the Fathers of Indian Delegation came together the second time to do their annual retreat.  Nine of our fathers  from our communities took part with great enthusiasm. It was arranged in Pallotti House, Trivandrum, Kerala,  from 17th to 21st November. Rev. Fr. Selvaraj MSFS guided our father s during these days. The preacher started with the Desert Experience of Jesus, and preceded with two questions “Who is God to me? Whom am I?. The following days he dealt with topics such as Vocation, 7 Hurdles in our Religious life, Two types of redemption after committing sin, Eucharist, Holy Spirit and Eucharist, Mary the Mother of God. The talks were thought provoking and useful. Every day before lunch Fathers from different community presided the Holy Mass and organized the Holy Eucharistic Adoration before supper. The days were concluded by reciting the Holy Rosary together and a good night talk by the preacher. On 21st Nov, the final day of the retreat, Fr. Delegate presided the Holy Mass and after communion he thanked the preacher and all the fathers. He also called everyone to work together for the growth of our Order in India, without going behind some evil aspects which causes division among us.
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