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Lunedì, 29 Aprile 2013 15:35

India celebration in School end and Vocation Camp

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newsThis year, the closing of the academic year in our St. Leonardi English school had double of its grandeur and celebrations due to co incidence of the 75th year of canonization of the patron of the school. Both the events were joined together and the day became unforgettable for our children, their parents and our religious in the delegation. The sainthood of St. Loeonardi, who became holy to make others holy, and a man to be copied on the way of sanctity and to be imitated in his missionary zeal, was introduced to the gathering, which numbered around 1200 in that evening. Our children's dances, speeches, songs and the presentation of other arts learnt during this academic year, earned appreciation from everybody. So, as Fr.General always insists to give a qualified education to students who come to our schools, we are satisfied to have given such an education. So, the religious in India and our students can boldly say that we are proud in being Leonardians, as it was the caption for the celebration. To recruit aspirants for the coming academic year, three days of camp was organised. 4 boys attended this year and all three days were planned well with various programmes like discourses, self analysis, personal talks, prayer experience, games, cultural programmes and going for a walk to nearby temple and so on. Fathers gave classes on topics like vocation to religious life, call narratives in the Bible, An introduction to OMD and helps for decision making. The delegate council along with the commission for vocations took care of the programmes. 

27 aprile 2013
Letto 3026 volte Ultima modifica il Martedì, 30 Aprile 2013 08:13

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