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Sabato, 24 Ottobre 2015 13:28

Permanent Formation Meeting in India

India-PFOn 22nd October,  most of the fathers of Indian delegation came together at Samayapuram for permanent formation programme on Marian theme. This is the third new topic for we have done some sessions on Reconciliation and Eucharist already. Marian theme was decided in council in view of 'Marianizzare' theme in the canonical visit and the theme in next 111th General Chapter. Fr. Santiagu Raja, a scholar in dogmatic theology, at present working at St.Paul's seminary, will be guiding  three different sessions on the theme.

In the first session, resource person brought the Understanding of Mary as to how it was and how it should be. For it, he illustrated from theological view point the different approaches on Mariology in different times and from Scriptural view point how Mary is viewed in different Gospels and Pauline letters. And then he gave clear explanation on who was Mary, a real historical person.

On the whole, the session was purely a Marian, a  complete adherence to the theme and updating our understanding on Mariology.
Pubblicato in 2015
Venerdì, 05 Dicembre 2014 16:19


retreatHow Pleasant it is that the brothers stay together (Ps 133:1)

By God’s grace, intercession of Mary the Mother of God and Our father and Founder St. John Leonardi, the Fathers of Indian Delegation came together the second time to do their annual retreat.  Nine of our fathers  from our communities took part with great enthusiasm. It was arranged in Pallotti House, Trivandrum, Kerala,  from 17th to 21st November. Rev. Fr. Selvaraj MSFS guided our father s during these days. The preacher started with the Desert Experience of Jesus, and preceded with two questions “Who is God to me? Whom am I?. The following days he dealt with topics such as Vocation, 7 Hurdles in our Religious life, Two types of redemption after committing sin, Eucharist, Holy Spirit and Eucharist, Mary the Mother of God. The talks were thought provoking and useful. Every day before lunch Fathers from different community presided the Holy Mass and organized the Holy Eucharistic Adoration before supper. The days were concluded by reciting the Holy Rosary together and a good night talk by the preacher. On 21st Nov, the final day of the retreat, Fr. Delegate presided the Holy Mass and after communion he thanked the preacher and all the fathers. He also called everyone to work together for the growth of our Order in India, without going behind some evil aspects which causes division among us.
Pubblicato in 2014
new-parishOn 12th June, on the eve of the Soleminity of Antony, during the Eucharistic Celebration, presided over by Msgr. John Robert, the vicar General of the diocese of Vellore, OMD Indian delegation, after the approval and decree from General Council, has taken up its third parish, Sanipoondi, a newly bifurcated Parish. The Vicar General as the delegate of the Bishop, announced the creation of the parish and Fr.Jeyan Santhiyagu took the oath as the Parish Priest and then the contract between the diocese and the Order was signed by the Indian Delegate General. Fr.Kulandairaj is appointed as assistant parish priest and Rector of the community, which is named after our Patronesss, Mary, assumed into heaven. The rented house , which is at present for staying of our priests, is known as CASA ASSUNTA, was blessed by the Indian delegate on 13th June, on the feast of St.Antony and all the fathers and the brothers of the delegation came together to witness the function.

 The parish has around 200 families, one primary school, 3 acres of land around the Church. 90% of the people of the village are agricultural coolies, others are working as teachers, army men and cooks in hotels. This would be our third OMD parish in India and while the other two parishes come in Central (Samayapuram) and southern (Azhickal) part of Tamilnadu, this third one is in northern part of the state, thus making our Leonardian presence in Tamilnadu a more balanced one. This new parish is also different in its geographical nature because our first parish Samayapuram is on Trunk road from Trichy to Chennai, the capital of Tamilnadu, and the second parish, Azhickal, which is close to the city of Nagercoil whereas this is purely in a village atmosphere, having more huts than concrete houses, poor road system and very simple and naïve Church structure and without a house for priests. But what is outstanding is their faith and enthusiasm to collaborate. And this is giving us a hope on which we can really build up. Also people are not much organized and taken care of due to the absence of a priest, but once our presence is made permanently with them, they could be easily organized and nurtured.

15 giugno 2014
Pubblicato in 2014
2This year, the closing of the academic year in our St. Leonardi English school had double of its grandeur and celebrations due to co incidence of the 75th year of canonization of the patron of the school. Both the events were joined together and the day became unforgettable for our children, their parents and our religious in the delegation. The sainthood of St. Loeonardi, who became holy to make others holy, and a man to be copied on the way of sanctity and to be imitated in his missionary zeal, was introduced to the gathering, which numbered around 1200 in that evening. Our children's dances, speeches, songs and the presentation of other arts learnt during this academic year, earned appreciation from everybody. So, as Fr.General always insists to give a qualified education to students who come to our schools, we are satisfied to have given such an education. So, the religious in India and our students can boldly say that we are proud in being Leonardians, as it was the caption for the celebration. To recruit aspirants for the coming academic year, three days of camp was organised. 4 boys attended this year and all three days were planned well with various programmes like discourses, self analysis, personal talks, prayer experience, games, cultural programmes and going for a walk to nearby temple and so on. Fathers gave classes on topics like vocation to religious life, call narratives in the Bible, An introduction to OMD and helps for decision making. The delegate council along with the commission for vocations took care of the programmes. 

29 aprile 2013

Pubblicato in 2013
Sabato, 06 Aprile 2013 20:02

India: “Relationship with God”

Formazione-IndiaToday, on 5th April, all the fathers of the delegation came together in Madurai for the second session of permanent formation programme. The first five sessions are animated by a diocesan priest, Fr. Maria Antony. He is dealing the theme 'Reconciliation' against the background of relationship with God, nature and fellow human beings. In the first session he dealt the relationship with nature according to the vision of Raymond Pannikar. Today, the main theme was 'Relationship with God'. First, the importance and the need of relationship with God was clarified. Relationship with God is a must in order to lead a happy life, in order to do our priestly ministry effectively and to build up a deeper relationship with fellow human being. From this, the resource person proceeded to explain that our relationship with God should go beyond the personal realm, so that we establish a non-dualistic relationship with God, nature and fellow human beings. 

6 aprile 2013

Pubblicato in 2013
Mercoledì, 23 Gennaio 2013 20:47

India Ordinazione diaconale

Diaconato-india-ILa delegazione indianaè stata benedetta dalla grazia dell’Ordinazione  conaltri trediaconi. Il 19gennaio, pressoAmalagam-Madurai, nel corso di unamessa solennei ConfratelliJames, Ajine Francissono stati ordinatidiaconidall'Arcivescovo diMadurai Peter Fernando.  Durante l’omelia tenuta da P.LourduRajan Delegato Generale OMDcitandoalcuni padridella Chiesa, ha elencato i compiti ed i servizio deidiaconinella Comunità ecclesiale. Il neo diaconoJamesha ringraziato tutti i convenuti. L’Arcivescovo, .p.FrancescoPetrilloRettore Generale, ilRev. P.. TommasoPetrongelli, ex Delegatoi  padrie i fratellidelle comunità OMD in Indiae i familiarideinuovi diaconi.

23 gennaio 2013
Pubblicato in 2013
omd-indiaAs we are celebrating the Year of Constitutions and Rules an one day Symposium was organized by the Indian Delegation on 14th January 2013 at our Mother House Arulagam, Samyapuram. It was well planned and organized by The Very Rev. Fr. LourduRajan omd, The Delegate General of India and his Council.

The programmes were started around 10.00AM, with the Prayer Dance by the girls of our Pallividai St.Mary’s School. It was followed by the Lighting of the Lamp, Scripture Reading and the Reading from our Constitutions. The Very Rev. Fr. Delegate explained the purpose behind the Symposium and welcomed the gathering. We had 4 sessions.

In the First session The Most Rev. Fr. Francesco Petrillo, Rector General OMD, presented his paper on the topic “The Role of OMD in the life of the Church”. Starting with the quotations from the Book of Wisdom(6,18) “Loving the Wisdom means keeping her Laws”, he connected Love with Laws. To Put Christ first of all we should observe our Constitutions. He also remembered how Our founder St. John Leonardi and his companions observed the Constitutions. Observing our Constitutions will add colors to our religious life and help us to live the Gospel in our day to day life, he added. The Talk was moderated by Fr. Beno Omd.

Then the Second session began with the paper “Renewal of the Constitutions of the Congregations” by Mons. Y. Irudhayaraj, Canonist and emeritus professor of St. Paul’s Seminary-Trichy. While his presentation, he insisted “If you want to bring changes we have to follow these four things, ie. 1. Fidelity to Christ and his Gospel, 2.Fidelity to the Church and its Mission, 3. Fidelity to the Religious Institute and its Charism, 4. Fidelity to Humanity and its Needs. The session was moderated by Fr. Manohar omd. The Third session began after the lunch. Around 2.00 PM, a small video was projected to portray the growth of Indian Delegation during the  past years.

The Third session started around 2.30 PM. This time it’s Rev. Fr. Arul Xavier OFM Cap, Rector of Francesco, Capuchin Theologate, Manachanallur, came forward with his idea on the topic “The Problems which we are facing in the Community life”. He explained the Six Dimensional Wellness – Social, Intellectual, Spiritual, Physical, Emotional and Occupational Wellness and mentioned some of the problems which we are facing in our day to day life in the communities, like Frustrations, Caste mindedness, Consumerism, Power-chasing, Lack of Conviction etc., The Session was moderated by Fr. Donthaius Omd.

The Last session of the day began around 3.45 PM. Rev. Sr. Julie, Holy Cross Sister came forward to share his thoughts on “Formation in today’s situation”. While sharing her thoughts, she mentioned Formation is basically the prime work of Holy Spirit. She quoted some role models from the Bible, Mary of Nazareth, St. Paul, and Jesus. She insisted more on Personalization Formation. The session was moderated by Fr. Starlin Omd. The whole day came to an end with the Vote of Thanks delivered by Rev. Fr. Delegate.  Finally a historical event took place. The very Rev. Fr. Delegate and his Council handed over to The Most Rev. Fr. General the copy of Constitution in Tamil. Then it was released by Father General and the first copy was received by Rev. Fr. Tommaso, Previous Delegate general. The whole day programme was co-ordinated by Bro. Francis omd. In this historical event many religious from the other congregations and some lay people from our parishes, teachers of our schools, friends and Well-wishers participated.

13 gennaio 2013

Pubblicato in 2013
Giovedì, 18 Ottobre 2012 21:26

India: Founder’s Feast at Amalagam

Feast-at-AmalagamAt Amalagam, our Founder St. John Leonardi’s feast was celebrated in a grand manner with the preparaion of 3 days (Triduum). On 6th October an animated Holy Mass was celebrated. Rev. Fr. Starlin omd presided over the Eucharistic celebration. On 7th, (the second day of triduum) the feast of Our Lady of Rosary was celebrated.  A procession with the statue of Our Founder with the Holy Rosary was taken place.  The Aspirants prepared and animated the Rosary. On 8th evening a solemn Evening prayer in Tamil was celebrated. 9th October the Solemnity of Our Founder.  At 5.30 am a solemn High Mass was celebrated. Rev. Fr. Starlin presided over the Mass and the Rector Fr. Beno delivered the Homily and he explained the Last letter (2 October 1609) of our Founder in today’s context. These celebrations helped the formative community to renew their devotion to our Founder and to know many things about our Founder and Our Order.

18 ottobre 2012
Pubblicato in 2012
Amalagam-IAfter his returning from the Delegate’s Meeting of our Order at Rome, Italy, Our Indian Delegate The Very Rev. Fr. LourduRajan OMD, on 24th September visited Amalagam, our Formation house at Madurai, first time after his nomination as Indian Delegate. During his visit he inaugurated the year  of Constitution and Rules OMD. The ceremony started around 7.30 pm with the Evening Prayer, presided over  by Father Delegate, followed by the rituals of the inauguration proposed by the General council. Fr. Beno, Fr. Starlin and all the brothers participated. Around 9.30 pm Rev. Father Delegate met the students and then the fathers. During his meeting he explained  the points discussed at the Delegate’s Meeting at Rome.

19 ottobre 2012

Pubblicato in 2012
Etichettato sotto
Martedì, 16 Ottobre 2012 21:24

Delegazione indiana: elezioni

Delegazione-indianaDopo il decreto del Consiglio Generale che ha approvato gli statuti di Delegazione le comunità indiane dell’Ordine della Madre di Dio si sono riunite giorno 13 ottobre ed hanno svolto l’elezione dei consiglieri di delegazione. Sono stati eletti P. Donathius Soris e P. Santhiagu W. rispettivamente primo e secondo consigliere. La riunione si è conclusa con la celebrazione eucaristica. Il giorno successivo il nuovoConsiglio di delegazione  si è  riunito per formare le Commissioni per la Formazione permanente, la promozione vocazionale, e la cronaca della delegazione.

18 ottobre 2012
Pubblicato in 2012
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