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Sabato, 05 Aprile 2014 08:43

Permanent Formation in India

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india-PFHaving completed the first phase of permanent formation on "Reconciliation", the Indian delegation has started its second phase of its ongoing formation with Rev.Dr.Sebastin, the Rector of St.Paul's Theological Seminary,Trichy,  who had completed his doctorate in Belgium on Dogmatic Theology.

With special reference to the recent apostolic exhortation of Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, his vision of the Church and the apostolate of the consecrated persons were the main focus. His vision of the Church is best explained in the images he uses for the Church: Mother, Shepherdess, Field Hospital and moon. All these images together mean that the Church should not be self-referential. On the contrary, it should surge forth to the existential peripheries of the world and share the tender love, mercy, compassion of Father as Jesus did. The consecrated persons should reach out to the peripheries in two ways: constant and direct contact with the poor and preaching the word of God with due preparation. These are the two essential means of the ongoing consecration of the priests and religious. The challenges faced by the consecrated persons in their missionary endeavour were also dealt with.  

5 aprile 2014

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