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Mercoledì, 05 Giugno 2013 09:07

India: Entrance to the novitiate & Veglia for the profession

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Noviziate-entranceOn 30th May evening, in our seminary at Samayapuram, India, postulant Sagayaraj was admitted into novitiate by Fr. Lourdurajan, as the delegate of Fr.General for India. In the ritual, witnessed by the fathers and brothers of the delegation, Fr.Delegate reminded the objectives of the novitiate, illustrated by our Ratio, to the new novice and the novice master. He insisted that this year novitiate help the novice to prepare himself to say the real "YES" to the Lord, because as Gandhiji said, "A 'No' uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a 'Yes' merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble". At the end of the ritual the novice master , Fr.Manohar and the novice were wished by all to have a superb experience during this year of novitiate.

A veglia was prepared by Fr. Beno in view of the temporary profession of 7 novices in the delegation. All the seminarians and fathers of the delegation were present. The ritual was led by Fr.Delegate, in which the whole community was reminded of significance of our Consecration, each Vows and other symbols used in the profession. The cassock and Rosary, to be given to novice,  were blessed during the liturgy. It was a fitting preparation for the celebration ahead.

3 giugno 2013
Letto 5866 volte Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 05 Giugno 2013 09:09

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