Con Cristo
misurate le cose
Con Cristo
misurate le cose
On 31st May, on the feast of the Visitation of our Lady, 7 novices in Indian delegation, namely Stanley, Prakash, Lucas, Allwin, Shaju, Martin & Abisheck, made their simple profession. The ritual was celebrated in a con-celbrated High Mass, presided by Fr. Lourdurajan, Delegate of Fr.General for Indian Delegation with fathers of the delegation, Parish priests of our novices, fathers and sisters from nearby religious houses and seminarians and relatives of the newly professed. In the homily, Fr. Delegate brought forth the gracious presence of Mother Mary, the Ark of the New Covenant in the life of the Church and her every members. The newly professed were reminded of their Consecration as an effective means for their personal sanctification & generous service of souls. Their surrender to the Will of the Lord is to say' Everything of you and Nothing of me' which is completely at contrast to the worldly view that is 'Nothing of you and everything of me'. Their surrender should be like that of a poor widow in the Gospel, who gave up everything because she thought she belonged to the Lord, and like that of a widow in the time of Elijah, who had complete trust in God, and like that of Mary and Jesus who said, 'Not my will but Thy Will be done". The newly professed were encouraged to go on in their journey with the sure hope on the support from Our Patroness and Our Father & Founder, and having with them always the guidance of our Constitutions, the lived experience of our Founder. 4 giugno 2013