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Giovedì, 18 Ottobre 2012 21:18

Indian Delegate’s First visit and the Inauguration of the Year of Constitution & Rules of OMD – Amalagam Madurai.

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Amalagam-IAfter his returning from the Delegate’s Meeting of our Order at Rome, Italy, Our Indian Delegate The Very Rev. Fr. LourduRajan OMD, on 24th September visited Amalagam, our Formation house at Madurai, first time after his nomination as Indian Delegate. During his visit he inaugurated the year  of Constitution and Rules OMD. The ceremony started around 7.30 pm with the Evening Prayer, presided over  by Father Delegate, followed by the rituals of the inauguration proposed by the General council. Fr. Beno, Fr. Starlin and all the brothers participated. Around 9.30 pm Rev. Father Delegate met the students and then the fathers. During his meeting he explained  the points discussed at the Delegate’s Meeting at Rome.

19 ottobre 2012

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