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Giovedì, 18 Ottobre 2012 21:29

India: Founder’s Feast at Amalagam

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Feast-at-AmalagamAt Amalagam, our Founder St. John Leonardi’s feast was celebrated in a grand manner with the preparaion of 3 days (Triduum). On 6th October an animated Holy Mass was celebrated. Rev. Fr. Starlin omd presided over the Eucharistic celebration. On 7th, (the second day of triduum) the feast of Our Lady of Rosary was celebrated.  A procession with the statue of Our Founder with the Holy Rosary was taken place.  The Aspirants prepared and animated the Rosary. On 8th evening a solemn Evening prayer in Tamil was celebrated. 9th October the Solemnity of Our Founder.  At 5.30 am a solemn High Mass was celebrated. Rev. Fr. Starlin presided over the Mass and the Rector Fr. Beno delivered the Homily and he explained the Last letter (2 October 1609) of our Founder in today’s context. These celebrations helped the formative community to renew their devotion to our Founder and to know many things about our Founder and Our Order.

18 ottobre 2012
Letto 3853 volte

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