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Lunedì, 14 Ottobre 2013 16:23

India: Note on the blessing of rooms at Azhickal:

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AzhlikalThe celebration of St. Leonardi's feast was very well organised in out coastal parish at Azhickal with Novenas and Special Mass. The devotion to our founder is gaining ground here among the people with the testimonies some miracles through the intercession of our founder. It was good to see around 500 people to line up to kiss the relic of the Saint after the liturgy. On the same day, our religious community had also the blessing of the first floor constructed newly with three rooms and a hall. The project was realized with major contribution from Fr. General and with collaboration of the people at Azhickal. Fr. Delegate blessed the house and thanked the people who helped to realize the project and wished the community to have good experience of common living in this house. Fr. Donathius, the rector of the house, had arranged the well the celebrations.

14 ottobre 2013
Letto 3153 volte

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